The Science behind Maltene Replacement Technology
The cementing agent in an asphalt pavement, the asphalt binder (normally 4-7% by weight), represents the component that experiences premature hardening as a result of oxidation. Asphalt pavements, which are structurally sound, deteriorate as a result of oxidation and occasionally as a result of incorrect design or improper construction practices. Oxidation is prevalent in all pavements, and this phenomenon results in an increase in the asphaltene fraction of the asphalt over time, and a decrease in the more reactive components, the maltene fractions. It has also been found that the maltenes parameter (PC+A1)/(S+A2), the ratio of chemically more reactive to less reactive components present in the asphalt binder, is a measure of predictable durability.
During the weathering process, the ratio between the maltenes and asphaltenes is reduced. This results in a dry, brittle pavement. Reclamite® is designed to penetrate the top 1⁄2” of the asphalt pavement. This allows the Reclamite to co-mingle and flux with the asphalt binder, restoring the original maltene to asphaltene ratio.
Reclamite® is outstanding for its ability to delay the aging process from the outset, and reverse any premature aging that might be caused by construction variables such as: excess heat at the hot plant, excess voids caused by low temperature compaction, critical mix design and other inconsistencies.